Our photo gallery
Our gallery presents a selection of the photographic collection from Giuseppe Macor’s studio, a professional photographer based in Milan. Portraits, meetings, trade fairs, event and ceremony photos, photographs of artworks, architectural and industrial photography services, craft and design photo services, commercial and corporate photography for publications, annual reports and websites.
Here is a short example of our work and style.
Fotografia di allestimenti e stand fieristici - Professional photography for trade show booths, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici per eventi speciali, cocktail - Photographic services for events, cocktail parties, Milan, Italy
Fotografia di architettura per allestimenti e stand fieristici - Architectural photography for trade fair boots, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici professionali per meeting e congressi internazionali - Professional photography for international meetings, Milan, Italy
Fotografia commerciale per pubblicazioni, libri, riviste, siti internet - Commercial photography for magazines, brochures, catalogues, websites, Milan, Italy
Fotografo professionista per eventi aziendali e meeting B2B – Professional photographer for B2B meetings and corporate events, Milan, Italy
Lo Studio del fotografo Giuseppe Macor realizza servizi fotografici e video per eventi aziendali e istituzionali, convention, tavole rotonde, congressi e fiere, open day, presentazione di prodotti, inaugurazioni, premiazioni, fotografia di backstage
Our photography studio provides photos and video services for institutional and corporate events, conventions, roundtables, meetings, conferences and exhibitions, trade fairs, open days, backstage shootings, product presentations
Fotografo professionista per convegni e eventi – Professional photographer for meetings and events, Milan, Italy
Fotografia professionale di ritratto business - Portrait photography for professional use, Milan, Italy
Report fotografici di campagne pubblicitarie - Photographs reports for advertising campaigns, Milan, Italy
Fotografia professionale di opere d'arte - Professional photography of works of art, Milan, Italy
Riproduzione fotografica accuratissima di quadri, sculture, opere d'arte per expertise, mostre, libri, monografie, cataloghi: quadri, acquerelli, litografie, incisioni, manoscritti, sculture, mobili, ceramiche, argenterie - Accurate photographic reproduction of paintings, sculptures - artworks for expertise, exhibitions, books, monographs, catalogues: paintings, watercolours, lithographs, engravings, manuscripts, sculptures, furniture, ceramics, silverware
Ritratto fotografico professionale per medici, dentisti - Professional photographic portraits for physicians, dentists, Milan, Italy
Fotografia di allestimenti e stand fieristici - Professional photography for trade show booths, Milan, Italy
Fotografia commerciale per pubblicazioni, libri, riviste, siti internet - Commercial photography for magazines, brochures, catalogues, websites, Milan, Italy
Fotografia commerciale per pubblicazioni, libri, riviste, siti internet - Commercial photography for magazines, brochures, catalogues, websites, Milan, Italy
Fotografia di allestimenti e stand fieristici in stile reportage - Professional photography for trade show booths and corporate reportage, Milan, Italy
Fotografo professionista per eventi aziendali e meeting B2B – Professional photographer for B2B meetings and corporate events, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici e video per eventi aziendali e istituzionali, convention, convegni, congressi, tavole rotonde, fiere, open days, presentazione di prodotti, inaugurazioni, premiazioni, cocktail, cene di gala, feste a tema, eventi speciali - Photography and video services for conferences, meetings, roundtables, trade fairs and events, open days, product presentations, openings, prize givings, cocktail events, gala dinners, parties, special theme events, Milan, Italy
Ritratto fotografico istituzionale, aziendale, business - Business portraits for websites, annual reports and corporate needs, Milan, Italy
Fotografia di architettura per case vacanza e hotel - Architectural photography for holiday homes and hotels, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici professionali per siti internet, Linkedin e CV - Photographic services for websites, Linkedin and CV, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici e video per eventi speciali, vernissage, inaugurazioni - Photographic services for exhibitions, events, opening parties, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici e video per eventi aziendali e istituzionali, convention, convegni, congressi, tavole rotonde, fiere, open days, presentazione di prodotti, inaugurazioni, premiazioni, cocktail, cene di gala, feste a tema, eventi speciali - Photography and video services for conferences, meetings, roundtables, trade fairs and events, open days, product presentations, openings, prize givings, cocktail events, gala dinners, parties, special theme events, Milan, Italy
Fotografia di architettura di interni - Interior design photography, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici professionali per ristoranti, hotel, attività commerciali per brochure, cataloghi, annual report, pagine pubblicitarie e siti internet - Professional photography services for hotels, restaurants, shops for brochures, catalogues, annual reports, advertising pages and websites
Fotografia commerciale per pubblicazioni, libri, riviste, siti internet - Commercial photography for magazines, brochures, catalogues, websites, Milan, Italy
Fotografo professionista per eventi aziendali e meeting B2B – Professional photographer for B2B meetings and corporate events, Milan, Italy
Servizi fotografici professionali per meeting e congressi internazionali - Professional photography for international meetings, Milan, Italy
Photographic studio by Giuseppe Macor
Vespri Siciliani st. 12, 20146 Milan, Italy
We are outside Area C - ZTL Milano Centro